
Happy Birthday, Mom!

My mother turned 49 years young on Friday. She went out with her younger sister to celebrate. Today, while at her belated birthday dinner, we shared the following conversation.

Mom: I didn't have a very good birthday.

Me: Why?

Mom: Well...I was driving around with (my sister) Sarah and....

Me: And?

Mom: I shit my pants.

Me: You what?

Mom: I thought it was just fart but I shit instead. All over.

Me: between bouts of laughter You don't know how timely this discussion really is. Anyway, it isn't' a big deal. I shit in my hand; you shit in your pants. It is in the genes so to speak. Or at least in your jeans.

Mom: Fuck you. I want to go home.

Me: Can I write about this?

Mom: stares daggers in my direction

She didn't say no, now did she.

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